Roof repair of a private house - therapy for the roof

If the roof is worn to one degree or another, this does not always mean that it is necessary to completely change it. Repair of the roof of a private house is an event that is quite sufficient in many cases. Depending on the degree of damage, this can be either a major work or a small repair. The older the coating, the more forces and materials will have to be spent. But after that roof will thank you, having served reliably for many more years.

We repair the roof of a private house - step by step instructions

Roof inspection and assessment

First you need to climb into the attic and find out in what condition the rafters, flooring and waterproofing layer are. It is necessary to check whether it draws damp from there, whether mold has appeared. If the tree has become very faded or covered with dark spots, this may be due to constant moisture. Signs of worn roofing can be wet walls and ceilings in the rooms of the house. But in some cases, the roof in this may well be not to blame. Sometimes the whole thing is in leaking pipes (water supply, sewage or heating). Often there are cases when water flows along the outer wall, and then enters the house through an interfloor joint. An internal roof test is best done during heavy rain, then it is more accurately possible to determine the places and causes of leaks.

Roof leak sign
One of the signs of a roof leak, in this case, not only the rafters, but also the roof battens, are damaged. Photo:

After a thorough examination of the wrong side of the roof, it is inspected from the outside. First of all, it is necessary to inspect such nodes of the roofing system as - the ridge for the purpose of whether it is intact, whether its moisture protective layer is in order. Then, the places where the roof adjoins the pipes and other vertical parts are the most vulnerable places. Therefore, it is necessary to check metal aprons in these places well. Then they gradually go down to the valleys - it is possible that they are full of branches and leaves that need to be removed and only after that look at the element. The cornice board can rot from time to time - that's why they check it, and at the same time find out if the lower part of the cornice itself is intact.

Now it remains to examine the ventilation channels and the drainage system (for their clogging with garbage). Attention must be paid to each funnel, gutter and downpipe. Well, roof slopes can become a haven for mosses and lichens - in this case they need to be eliminated. In addition, they look to see if bubbles, dents, holes or chips with cracks appeared on the roofing. By the way, many repair companies have infrared cameras in their arsenal. With their help, you can quickly find leaks and check the entire system. Then, on the basis of the data obtained, the necessary amount of work and materials is calculated.

Tip:It is advisable to do a roof check every year, best in spring. Then in the summer, if necessary, it is possible to repair the roof of a private house by determining in advance what materials the extent of repair will be required.

mesto-protechkiIt is sometimes very difficult to find and understand the cause of a leaking pitched roof. This is due to the design features of the roof, because water can flow in one place, and leaks will appear in completely different places.

The most common roofing diseases

Most often, the roof leaks due to the following reasons:

#1. Violations of the integrity of the roof.

#2. The joints of the roofing with walls and vertical elements such as antennas, pipes and parapets may be depressurized.

#3. Another common problem is a breakdown or failure of the drainage system.

All of the above problems arise for the following reasons:

  • If the fasteners and the coating material for the roof are of dubious quality, then they will not last long.
  • In addition, there may be a violation of technology during the installation of the roof. Because of this, excessive loads occur that destroy the roof.
  • If you carefully remove snow or ice from the roof and gutter, you can damage them, after which they will begin to collapse.
  • Moss and fungi that settle on the roof also spoil it and in some cases this destruction process can occur much faster than you can imagine. To prevent this, it is necessary to timely perform maintenance of the roof.
  • Destruction from time to time - even a very high-quality roof and a well-constructed roof, having lain on the roof for a long time, wears out, requiring replacement or repair.

As you can see, in theory everything is pretty simple. But in real life, it is not always possible to quickly find a leak point in order to repair a house roof. Sometimes, drops of water fall inside the house when the wind blows from the side, driving rain or snow under the roof. It often happens that dripping from the ceiling is not at all where water gets inside the house. In such cases, it is better if the roof and the entire "roofing cake" are checked by professionals.

Rafter system repair

The entire roof rests on the rafters, they take on the burden of snow, rain and wind, and of course the severity of the roofing material itself. And if the rafters are damaged, then you should not hesitate. The problem must be solved immediately.

In a damaged place, remove the casing, insulation and roofing, disassemble the crate. If the rafter support is rotten, they clean the affected area well. Then they fill 80-100 centimeters long and 3-5 centimeters thick from two sides of the board. Fasten them with long nails. It also happens that it rotts a piece of rafters to the very core. Then you need to cut it and install a bar prosthesis, 2 or 2.5 times longer than the rotten part of the rafters. On its edges put overlays. The entire structure is connected by nails 10 or 15 centimeters long. While work is underway, temporary racks are placed under the rafters, but after the bar prosthesis is installed they are removed.

Repair rafters
Two ways to repair rafter legs.

There is another option - the rafters are intact, but the crate is damaged and it can no longer afford the weight of the roof. We eliminate cracks and deflections by replacing the crate or by strengthening it. For this, a beam is laid between the rafters and boards are filled in the transverse direction.


#1. Burn all sick parts of rafters after their removal.

# 2 Coat the cleaned areas with an antiseptic.

Replacement and repair of heat-insulating and waterproofing layer

Due to leaks, the insulation can get wet and as a result lose its heat-insulating properties. In this case, you need to change it. However, sometimes his change is due to the fact that, although he is intact, he does not hold enough heat. If you look from the inside of the roof, then the roofing cake consists of the following layers:

  • First comes the waterproofing membrane,
  • Then - a heat insulator (mineral wool, as a rule),
  • Next is a vapor barrier layer.

The latter is made of polyethylene, glassine, foil materials, vapor-permeable membranes.

Insulated Roofing Pie
An example of a roofing cake for a roof made of flexible tiles. Consists of roofing material (flexible tiles), waterproofing, two layers of basalt wool and vapor barrier.

In case of damage to the insulation, a lot of work remains to be done, but you can do the repair of the roof of a private house with your own hands. To do this, remove the lining inside and get to the vapor barrier. Having removed it, they feel the insulation, checking if it is wet. All wet plates of the heat insulator must be removed, replacing with dry ones.Add to waterproofing check its integrity. If it is whole, arrange this film back, if damaged - change. At the same time, the waterproofing membrane must be laid so that it bends around the rafters, so it is attached to them with brackets or nails.

Cut the insulation boards so that they are wider by 1 centimeter than the inter-railing distance. Laying them, gently squeeze, and then placed between the rafters. Having straightened, the insulation will not fall out - it will hold tight. The joints between the first and second layer of the heat insulator should not be combined. If the second layer does not fit, increase the thickness of the rafters with overlays. After stuffing the rafters with nails, pull the cord over them on the heater. A vapor barrier layer with an overlap of 7 to 10 centimeters is laid on top of the insulation, secured with a stapler.

Roofing Repair Recipes

Metal tile

This coating requires repair if:

  • The sheets are rusted;
  • Paint peeled off them;
  • Deflection of the roof occurred.

For repairs, it is enough to unscrew the screws that hold the damaged sheet, and then replace this sheet with a new one. By the way, manufacturers give a guarantee for this roof from 10 to 25 years. If during the warranty period the metal tile is cracked, discolored or peeled from the base, then it is quite possible to require a replacement.

If replacing the sheet with a new one is not possible, then the crack and chips of the polymer coating are pre-cleaned and degreased, and then painted over. But this repair will not last very long.

Steel rebate roof

The main reasons requiring repair:

  • Large gaps appeared;
  • Damaged paintwork;
  • Rotting surface.

If large gaps appeared in the steel roof, then they are covered with silicone sealant. Damaged paintwork is cleaned, degreased and coated with enamel of the appropriate color. If the damage is significant, then on the rotten sections of the roof I apply patches of new steel connecting them using seam joints.

Repair and restoration of a fold roof

Clay and sand-cement tiles

There is already a more serious guarantee - from 30 to 50 years. It extends to the integrity of the tiles, their resistance to frost and protection against water. Naturally, at the same time, the laying technology must be observed, and the tile must be transported correctly. Otherwise, the warranty will fly off. The material does not change even when there are weak differences between the tiles in color.

During repair, damaged and adjacent tiles must be removed. First of all, the upper ones, then the lateral ones. Having driven a wedge under the tile next to it, you need to pick up the edge of the extracted tile with a screwdriver (or trowel). New tiles are laid evenly, taking care of the tightness of the joints.

Perforated ceramic tiles

Bituminous (soft) tile

She has a warranty period of 15 to 25 years. Such a roof is changed under warranty if the granulate is poured, has an irregular shape or is applied unevenly. Or the roof passes water, does not withstand weather conditions. But with improper installation, care or use in aggressive conditions, the warranty disappears.

If the cracks in this coating are small, then you can seal them. Raising the tile, we smear it with roofing glue from the inside, and then we press it to the plane of the base, holding the place of gluing for several minutes. However, it happens that there are a lot of cracks in the roof - then it is better to change it. Having pulled out nails in the desired area, it is cut out, then a whole sheet of tile is inserted. Edges combine. Work is carried out at positive temperature - from 5 to 25 0 FROM.

Repair of flexible tiles


If the damage is small, then the following repair method will do (you need to work when it is cloudy outside). After cleaning and washing the roof with a stiff brush (water is supplied from the hose), it is dried. Then apply the soil - diluted PVA (glue - 1 part, water - 3 parts). We apply the prepared mixture with a layer of at least 2 millimeters, covering the cracks.

With large damage, the slate sheet is changed. To do this, from a sheet that requires replacement, nails are completely removed.On adjacent sheets that press the sheet to be removed, the nails are not completely reached, but only raised higher. This is necessary so that neighboring sheets begin to rise and allow to get the damaged sheet and put a new one. By the way, the manufacturer gives a guarantee for slate - up to 15 years.

Repair the drainage system

Typically, the drain begins to leak when the tightness of the joints is broken. Very often this occurs in winter under the influence of snow and ice. Therefore, if the system is made of PVC, then all the elements are usually connected on dichloroethane glue or rubber seals. If necessary, replace them with ethylene-propylene rubber seals. But gluing joints is more difficult to replace: you need to cut a piece of pipe, and then glue a new one using the same glue.

The individual elements of metal gutters are usually fixed with rivets, which must be drilled when replacing parts. Replacing worn parts, they are riveted to each other, and silicone sealant is applied to the joints.

Gutter cleaning

We seal joints with ventilation and chimneys

These places (ventilation, chimney, skylights and antennas) require special attention and control. Their joints need to be coated with roofing glue. A special sealing tape is also suitable. There is also an option - to close these places with overlays with decorative trim. And then after the repair, the roof of the country house will become both durable and elegant.

Joint Hermitization

Lastly, we suggest you watch an interesting video which shows the process of roof reconstruction in accelerated mode.

Video: Roof restoration
