Laminate Egger (Egger)
Here you can read reviews about Egger laminate, which were left by real users of this product. Egger laminate is produced by German and Austrian factories. The following unique qualitative characteristics are inherent in this coating: it resists wear well, it is often placed in the kitchen, because it tolerates a “meeting” with water well and is easy to fit. It is also easy to maintain, because a simple dry cleaning is enough.
This laminate is divided into special classes. For example, a high-end product can be used in all kinds of entertainment centers. The advantage of the Egger collection is also its great variety. With these laminate characteristics, every consumer will find a suitable model.
Of the features of this product, it is worth noting the fact that this coating is already available with a finished Silenzio substrate. Therefore, there is no need to purchase it separately. Another feature of Egger laminate is the presence of Quell-Stopp moisture-proof coating, which is applied to the castle joints during production.