How to wash an acrylic bath - tips and tricks

How to wash an acrylic bathtub so that it does not change its appearance, lasts a long time and delights the eye with its unsurpassed appearance. In view of the fact that acrylic bathtubs appeared on our market quite recently, many people ask themselves the question - what means to wash such bathtubs and how to handle them properly. There are no big difficulties in the procedure for washing an acrylic bath. The main thing here is to follow the cleaning rules.

How to wash an acrylic bath

We are all accustomed to bulky and heavy cast-iron bathtubs, and acrylic bathtubs, which are elegant in shape and quite light, seem fragile and impractical at first glance. That is why, many are wary of looking at plumbing, which is made of acrylic.

Features of washing and caring for an acrylic bathtub

Unfortunately, many still do not know the basic rules for the care of acrylic. It is worth noting that the surface of an acrylic bath requires more thorough care and therefore you should familiarize yourself with a number of rules for caring for this material. Observing the basic rules for care, you will be able to extend the impeccable appearance of your bath.

Acrylic is a wear resistant material. Its surface has a dirt-repellent effect, so that microorganisms do not develop on it. In addition, the acrylic bath is not afraid of shock, but it is easily scratched.

Features of washing an acrylic bath. The main thing is to be careful and accurate when washing an acrylic bath. It is not recommended to use powdered and abrasive products as a detergent, as well as a paste containing chlorine, acid, alkali, and ammonia. Such substances contribute to the appearance of scratches on the surface, and also lead to the loss of natural color. Before starting to wash an acrylic bath, always carefully read the composition of the cleaning agent used. Do not use metal or hard brushes - such brushes violate the integrity of the acrylic coating.

It is also not recommended to bathe your pets in an acrylic bathtub, put metal basins and buckets in them. Never put various objects in the bathroom - stools, metal basins and objects, as well as any other household utensils.

How to care for an acrylic bathtub

What improvised means can wash an acrylic bath

To properly care for an acrylic bathtub, you should use a liquid with a cleaning effect as a detergent. For this purpose, a dishwashing liquid, liquid soap, shower gel, etc.

If you find lime streaks on the surface of the bathroom, it is not necessary to wash the entire container completely. It is enough to take a soft cloth, moisten it in lemon juice or table vinegar and wipe the surface.

If you notice that some parts of the surface of the bathroom begin to darken, then just rinse the container with running water and wipe it with a dry and soft cloth.

In the event that minor scratches occur in the acrylic bath, its surface can be treated with polishing material, in particular, it can be ordinary mastic. For this purpose, furniture polish or car polish is often practiced for this purpose.

Special means for washing an acrylic bath

The current level of development of the chemical industry has allowed the development of special tools, thanks to which the acrylic bath can retain its original appearance for a long time. At the same time, with such means, any acrylic container can be washed quickly and safely. I would especially like to allocate such funds as Acrylan, Cillit, Sarma, Acryl-Net, Star-Acrylat.

These cream gels are specially designed for washing acrylic surfaces.The product is applied on a napkin and only then on the surface of the bath. Wipe the entire surface of the container with a cloth and leave for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the product must be washed off well with warm water and wiped with a cloth to dryness.

For washing acrylic bathtubs, you can use universal means. The most popular universal tool for cleaning acrylic surfaces is Ravak. It is developed using special technology and is intended for washing acrylic surfaces.

In order to get rid of the appearance of rust qualitatively, it is recommended to use products that are designed to combat rust from acrylic surfaces.

In any case, when choosing an acrylic bath cleaner, always give preference to special products. Such tools will not only allow you to carefully clean the surface, but also give it shine and protection, in the form of a thin waterproof film. Now you already know how to wash the acrylic surface and can provide it with proper care and increase its service life.

Video: Caring for Acrylic Baths