Frequently Asked Questions for the Feedback Section

Can't attach the photo to the review?

To attach a photo to a review, you must:

In the add review form, click on the "Add photo or file" button, a pop-up window will appear in front of you:

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Here you need to click on the "Select Files" button, then select the necessary photos and click on the "Open" button.

As a result, the download process will begin. You need to wait for the download of all files, only after that the "Add" button will become active and clicking on it, you can add a photo or PDF file to the review.

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Please note that the maximum size of the downloaded file should be no more than 5 mb, in total you can add 10 files to one review.

If you were unable to add a photo or you sent a review without a photo and would like to add it, please inform contact form. In the message, indicate the address of the page on which your review is published and the name of the review. We will answer you and help you download the missing files.

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Why was my review deleted?

Feedback can be deleted for the following reasons:

1. A review may be deleted due to the fact that it does not contain useful information. This is not to say that a product or material is bad or good. It is necessary to argue why this is so, to cite its positive and negative sides.

2. Most likely you did not indicate in the review reliable data on the purchased product or service. Such data may include: contract number, contract photo, photo of check, photo of goods. Without indicating the above data, your review may be deleted at the request of a trademark representative. You can add it by re-attaching all available data.

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How to remove a review that negatively affects the image of our company?

The section with reviews on construction and household goods and materials was created to exchange views between site visitors. Anyone who wants to visit a specific page can leave their opinion on the use of a particular product or material.

The administration of moderates reviews, but cannot determine how reliable a particular review is and does not make any changes to them. We understand that in addition to well-grounded claims, so-called “custom reviews” can be added to the site. Which can leave ill-wishers or unfair competitors.

We offer the following solutions to this problem:

1. All visitors before adding a review, we warn that in the case of posting a negative review, it must contain detailed information about the product: contract number, contract photo, photo of receipt, photo of goods. If any of the indicated data is left, then you can contact the person who left the review through the button: "Reply / add review" and resolve the situation. Thus, you will show potential customers your desire to resolve issues and not leave the client alone with problems.

2. If the product data specified in paragraph 1, the visitor did not provide, refused to provide in response to your request or they are not reliable, you can contact the site administration and send a complaint about the response or response.

To complain about a review or response, just click on the corresponding icon located next to each review or answer:

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As a result, a pop-up window will load, where you need to substantiate your claim and indicate the reasons why the recall is misleading to potential customers and should be deleted.

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After filling in all the fields of the window, you must click on the "Send complaint" button.

The term for consideration of the application is from 1 to 7 days.

The administration of the project is not interested in posting inaccurate reviews, both negative and positive, and is doing everything to remove such reviews. Please note that the project administration is not responsible for the information posted in the reviews (Law of the Russian Federation on Mass Media, Article 57, clause 5).

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How to add new products to the catalog where visitors will add reviews?

If you want to add new products to the reviews catalog, in order to get feedback and opinions of visitors about these products, you need to prepare the following:

  • A brief description of the product, its features and advantages. The description should be unique, and not copied from the official website of the manufacturer. Description size (500 - 700 characters).
  • Photos of products with a size of at least 800/480 pixels.

Then you need to send a message through the form located on the page "Contacts". In the message, indicate:

  • Product Name.
  • Short description.
  • Link to the photo.

Photos can be pre-uploaded to Yandex Disk, Google Drive, or simply provide a link to the desired photo posted on your site.

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Recommended reading:

Climatic equipment - articles and reviews